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The Interpreters Pulpit…

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Among a myriad of facts not realised by many students of the biblical revelation, because modern Christians are essentially unlettered when it comes to the study of ancient history, and equally frivolous and neglectful has the Christian church been about the need for a powerfully in-depth Teaching Ministry in its many bickering denominations and sects, that today authentic believers in the Lord Yeshua are openly agitating for a knowledge of that which constitutes TRUTH. We are seeing this phenom with our very own eyes emerging all around us.

UNLESS we grasp the basic fundamentals of Jewish thoughtform — the very thoughtform that produced the written Jewish Scriptures (the Hebrew Scriptures erroneously called “The Old Testament,” and the Messianic Scriptures erroneously called “The New Testament”) — we will not gain a proper comprehension of the Gracious and Salvific will of God for each and every one of us.

Latest Episode

The Power behind the power of positive thinking”

Lecture 62 reveals the imperative need to grasp the POWER that hides behind the power of optimistic THOUGHT.

The Power behind the power of positive thinking

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews-Lecture62

Previous Episode

Did Yeshua really have human nature?

Lecture 60 ponders the questions related to human fears, the need of endurance, and we ask the question of whether or not the Lord Yeshua truly possessed human nature.

Did Yeshua really have human nature?

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews-Lecture60

Previous Episode

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.”

QUESTION: What is our worst imaginable fear? All of us, at one time or another, have had to face our worst imaginable fear.

None of us can escapedodge, or run away from such a terror for if we think we can do the latter it will continue to haunt us to our dying day. It will continue to surface uninvited and live rent free in our head. Such is the nature of the beast. When fear grips our hearts we will either try to hide, or face it head-on.

They tried to bury us.They didn't know we were seeds.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews-Lecture58

Featured Episodes

Interpreters Pulpit 101-Introduction

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 01

Interpreters Pulpit 101-A Greater Israel

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 02

Interpreters Pulpit 101-The Last Hidden Sign of Christ's Return

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 03

Interpreters Pulpit 101-If Christ is the Answer,what are the questions-Pt1

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Episode 04

Recent Lectures

An Alternative History of the Christian Church

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Hebrews-Lecture 16

How much longer until THE END comes?Pt1

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Fundamental series

How much longer until THE END comes? PT2

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Fundamental Series

Romans 8.1b. Overwriting the NT Codex Pt 5.

by Rebbe Les Aron Gosling | Why Romans 8.1b should be discredited and discarded.Pronto!

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Make no mistake! Re-education by the Ruach HaKodesh is the key to grasping the WORD of God as it was originally intended to be understood.

Many believers are for the first time realising that the book they refer to as the “Holy Bible” has an awesome depth to it that they have not seen before.

There may be no greater fact of life than this: we are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.